
QUICK DISCLAIMER: Yes, I wrote this. Yes, I know it should probably be in third person. Felt too weird.

Made what most would consider a "reasonable" deal when I was about 15.  Told my parents I would get a college degree before moving to Nashville, TN.  I think they thought it’d give them more time to convince me otherwise but, here I am.  At 21 I moved to the famous Music City and it is everything I thought it’d be and more.  More money, more people, more work.  HA, who knew? (My parents).
Growing up on Shania Twain and the Dixie Chicks just as much as Avril Lavigne and Brittany Spears, my writing style has a country-pop flare fueled by real feelings and ~mostly~ true stories.  Truth be told, I like to think I’m a little more country than I actually am.  A local country radio station played 24/7 in my bedroom all through middle school and high school, it’s been Nashville or bust ever since.
I couldn’t tell you the first song I ever wrote.  I know its cliche to say, but I really cannot remember a time when I wasn’t writing songs.  I have a few distinct memories here and there.  Maybe 1st grade?  I would like to think my writing has improved just a little bit since then.  
I write about a lot things.  I write about life being confusing.  I write about when it finally seems to make sense.  I write about the mental breakdown I have 3 days later when life no longer seems to make sense.  I try to write about love.  I write about heartbreak.  Down here they say write what you know, so I write my share of drinking songs too.
Oh, also… For those of you who have never met me and therefore don’t know, I’m from Ohio.  I love Ohio.  I am a Buckeye for life and Ytown will forever be My Town.  Don't be a hater, I'll get defensive.  O-H!
When music isn't magical anymore, maybe I'll head back home.  But I don't really see that ever happening.  Nashville is home now.  Thanks for checking me out! I hope you learned a little bit about me from my atypical bio.  Hopefully one day I'll be able to add things like “Songwriter of the Year” and "Award-Winning” to this.  And if not...  Well, that's ok too.
